Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Person of Influence

When I ask my students to write about a person in their life who has influenced them, it prompts me to reflect on those who have impacted me as well.  Just as my students often do, I first think of my parents.  I am blessed beyond measure to have two wonderful, supportive parents.

My dad is my rock.  He is the first one I call when I need advice, whether it be about a sick kid or what I should do about the funny noise my car is making.  When I think about his influence on my life, there are two things I think about.  The first is about choosing a career that you love, one that you wake up and want to go to.  He truly enjoys his job, and I knew growing up that I wanted to feel that way about my job as well.  Thankfully, I have found that job!  Second is the way he pursues his passions.  My dad has several hobbies, and he makes them a priority in life.  No matter what is going on, he always makes time to go out and do the things that he loves. I see how this keeps him from getting weighed down by the stresses life throws at us.  It is something I am still working on but hope to be able to do in my life as well.

My mom is more than a mom. She is my friend and confidant.  When I need to vent or share a joy, she is the person I call.  She has shown me unconditional support throughout my life.  No matter what path I chose, my mom was always my cheerleader.  She was supportive when I decided to pack up and move to Colorado, she was supportive when I decided to move home, and she was supportive when I decided to take a leap of faith and take on a new position at work.  She always had the right words to say to let me know that she would support me, even if I might fail.  But beyond the emotional support, her physical presence has given me support in some of my toughest moments.  When I was in labor for over 18 hours with my son, or when I had to decide the best birth plan for my daughter.  When I was overwhelmed by the task of learning to care for two small children, recovering from a major surgery, and running back and forth to doctors appointments, it was my mom who was by my side through it all.  When I look back on this time in my life, the memory of my mom's constant support sticks out the most to me. As my kids grow up (and I one day have grandchildren), I hope that I can support them as well and as unconditionally as my mom has supported me.